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Exercise Physiology

Have you ever heard of a Clinical Exercise Physiologist? Never heard of one before? That's alright, let me explain what we do!

Exercise Physiologists (EPs) must complete 4.5 years of university (3 year bachelor degree and an intensive 18-month masters degree) and 500 hours of clinical experience.

We must also be accredited with ESSA (Exercise Sport Science Australia) to maintain our accreditation and complete professional development points every year to stay up to date with the latest research and continually expand upon our current knowledge and beliefs.

EPs use exercise as a modality to design, deliver and evaluate safe and effective interventions for people with acute, sub-acute or chronic medical conditions, injuries or disabilities.

These pathologies include but are not limited to cardiovascular, metabolic, neurological, musculoskeletal, cancers, kidney, respiratory / pulmonary and mental health conditions.

We can also work with any other conditions for which there is evidence that exercise can improve a client’s clinical status - how good is that?!

Exercise is my favourite thing in the entire world and helping others is my passion! If you're someone in need or know of someone who would benefit from Exercise Physiology services, please contact me!

Never hesitate to send me a message if you have any questions!


Curtis Allderidge

Principal Exercise Physiologist and Owner of Conquer Allied Health

How We Can Help

We can help with a wide range of complaints including (but not limited to);

  • Chronic pain (pain that has lasted longer than 3 months)

  • Rehabilitation after injury or surgery

  • Sport specific training

  • Metabolic conditions such as Diabetes and PCOS

  • Neurological conditions such as MS and Parkinson's

  • Lower back, neck, hip, knee and shoulder pain

  • General strength and conditioning

Not really sure if an exercise physiologist is for you? If you agree with any of the following then we are confident you will get the help that you need:

  • If you have seen many different practitioners for the same reason and have not seen any change.

  • If you keep having the same issue no matter what you try, are getting frustrated and feeling like things will never be better.

  • If you have a number of different concerns and you don’t really know where to start when someone asks ‘what can I help you with?’

  • If you are really confused about where to start.

  • If you have lost hope with your issue and can no longer see a future for yourself without pain.

  • If you are extremely frustrated and feeling like things will never be better.

  • If your pain is consuming your live and you have stopped doing everything that you love because you are so fearful of it.


Referral Information

Whilst an exercise physiologist can help you with all the above, and more, please note that they cannot, by law, provide a specific diagnosis – if this is what you want and it is your expectation from a consultation then please book with another allied health practitioner. 

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